Music Ministry
“Make a joyful noise to the Lord.” Psalm 100
“Serve the Lord by making Joyful Music to Praise Him."
Martin Luther said, “Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise." Johann Sebastian Bach said, “Music’s only purpose should be the glory of God and the recreation of the human spirit.” We strive to create the best music we can while using the talents God has given us to serve Him and Praise the Lord.
We welcome all to come and check out any of our ensembles whether you are considering joining or are just curious. We are fully volunteer ensembles, which means we have a wide variety of musical experience. We will work with you and figure out ways to help you if you are struggling. God's Word says to "Make a joyful noise to the Lord" in Psalm 100. It doesn't say to make professional sound and perfect music to the Lord, but a joyful noise.
As long as we praise God, we are serving the Lord. While we want to create the best music we can, we are here to serve God's people in song. You do not have to be a member of St. John's to join our ensembles. All we ask is that you are willing to commit to our practice times and our performances, have a good attitude, build up one another and want to have fun.
All who are ages 14 and older are welcome to join the music ministry. For more information, please contact our Director of Music Hannah Coomer by emailing hcoomer@stjohnsgrandhaven.com or contact the church office by calling 616-842-4510.
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'" (Luke 2:13-14)
Serving in our choir is to be a servant to the congregation to help enrich our service. The choir’s purpose is to support the congregation in singing hymns and liturgy, bring richness and variety to congregational worship, and to enrich congregational worship by bringing music that speaks to the people. Music provides another way to have God's word given to the people. We do a variety of music throughout the year and help lead worship as well.
We practice 7:15-8:15 p.m. Tuesdays in the balcony.
Our handbell choir is a way to enhance our worship service by creating a beautiful underscore to our liturgy and hymns and other liturgical music. By creating moments of prayer and self examination during the service, it is no secret music helps to channel emotions. Our handbell choir helps that part. For example, if it's Good Friday and our bells play a sad sounding song or Easter and play a triumphant sounding song. Our Bells are also a good option for those who do not want to sing, but still want to serve the church.
We practice 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays in the balcony.
"Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; Sing praises to Him with a harp of ten strings." (Psalm 33:2)
Praise Team
Our Praise team's purpose is to lead God's people in song. Bringing another way for God's word to be heard to His people. The role is to support the congregation in song. Not having the focus on the praise team, but on Him who gave us the talents to serve Him. The praise team is a servant to the congregation to help enrich the service.
If you have a God given talent in guitar, drums/ percussion, or any other instrument we would love to have you. We do ask that you have a basic knowledge of your instrument before joining, but it’s not required.
We practice at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Sanctuary. During Lent and Advent we move practice to 7 p.m. Thursdays due to evening services.
The brass instrument has a triumphant powerful sound to it. We have our brass ensemble play during festive times of the church season such as Reformation, Christmas, and Easter. Our brass ensemble brings another enhancement to the service that can bring joy. This ensemble is used as an underscore to hymns and choral music. They are used in such wonderful ways to help relay the text of the music to the people. We also welcome other instruments as well.
We do not have a set practice schedule. We meet and practice on an agreed upon time.
"Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)
Children’s Music
St. John's Lutheran Church & School places a large focus on our children's music ministry. We believe that children today are our future, and we want to love and encourage them in their passions., and teach and raising up children in God's Word.
Our music program gives the children many opportunities to grow in their musical ability and in their faith. We strive to find what children enjoy and build on that, while also challenging them to grow in their education.
We have many ways for the kids to grow as musicians with basic music knowledge, choir, recorders, guitar, and handbells. As well as having the focus on Jesus.
Music is a great educational tool to have children memorize and digest what they are learning. Our program teaches basic music abilities as well as important things with the church and faith. singing songs about the church calendar, Luther's Small Catechism, Bible verses and more.
Growing the children's love and passion for God's Word and music. We have concerts, an Advent program, and other opportunities for children to sing and praise God throughout the year.
We also are working on adding a youth praise team, band, and or choir for high school students.
If your children are interested in getting involved, please contact our Director of Music Hannah Coomer by emailing hcoomer@stjohnsgrandhaven.com or calling the church office at 616-842-4510.