News & Events
Please join us for our Lenten Services. Services will be held in the evening or with the students during chapel.
Lent Midweek Services
St. John’s sanctuary
Lutherans For Life Prayer Vigil
The 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign runs from Mar. 5-April 13. Sidewalk prayer warriors are needed each day. Prayer Vigils are needed at the Grand Rapids location from 7 AM - 7 PM throughout the Campaign. “Where two or more are gathered in the Name of Jesus.” Please contact Paula Cate, (951)675-0823, if you have any questions.
Outside Planned Parenthood 425 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
A special Voters’ Meeting will be held to vote on the proposed constitution and bylaw updates.
Voters Meeting
St. John’s sanctuary
March 30, 1 PM
Bible Study
Join us for a Bible Study that will explain what and why the Scared Triduum is an important tradition.
School Gym
March 30, 9:35 A.M.
Palm Sunday Service
Join us for our combined Palm\Passion Sunday Service at 10 a.m. We will be having a children’s palm procession, special music and go through Jesus’ Passion.
St. John’s Church
April 13, 10 AM
Easter Egg Hunt
St. John’s Gym
April 13, 11:15 AM
St. John’s will be hosting our Annual Easter Egg Hunt after our Palm Sunday Service on April 13. This is for children up to 5th grade. To signup click here.
During Holy Week we are giving the opportunity to follow Jesus’ Journey to the Cross.
Holy Week Chapel Servies
St. John’s Church
April 14-17, 10:30 AM
The Scared Triduum
St. John’s Church
Maundy Thursday April 17, 7PM
Good Friday April 18, 12 Pm & 7 PM
Easter Vigil April 19, 5 PM
Join us for the Scared Triduum with three service starting on Maundy Thursday celebrating the last supper and Jesus’ betrayal. On Good Friday we remember Jesus’ Passion and Crucifixion. On Holy Saturday we celebrate the Easter Vigil where we remember our sins and baptism and celebrate resurrection.
Join us for breakfast on Easter morning!
The St. John’s youth will host their annual feast 8-9:45 a.m. Sunday, April 20 in the gym. Monetary donations will be accepted to support the youth. Looking for volunteers to setup on Friday, April 18 at 8 p.m., and food preparation on Saturday, April 19 from 10 am–12 pm. First shift servers will be from 8am-9am, second shift servers will be from 9am-10am. Cleanup will start at 9:45am on April 20th. Signup is appreciated but not required. To signup please click this link: Please contact Craig if you able to help,
Easter Breakfast
St. John’s Church
April 20, 8 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Alleluia Christ has risen! Join us for our sunrise service at 7 AM or our Easter service at 10 AM
Easter Sunday
St. John’s Church
April 20, 7 AM & 10 Am
St. John’s Lutheran School’s Annual Spring Auction
A Day at the Derby will be held on Friday, April 25th at the Harbourfront Grand Hall. Tickets will be available starting on Sunday, February 2 between services and are $50. If you would like to help sponsor this event or make a donation please contact Amanda Reary (828)525-0936 or Jane Kalavitz (616)638-0192.
Harbourfront Grand Hall
April 25, 5:30 PM